Weve been waiting for any type of upgrade for this game since its been months since the last one. So finally after all of this time we get a upgrade, too bad it didnt do anything that we the players asked for or wanted. Instead of opening the last 2 quests that have been closed since the beginning of the game, we get this "Sun Well" aspect which is the biggest money pit Ive ever seen in any game. They also installed a cross server boss battle which has potential, but they missed the boat on too many other issues. Heres a novel idea, how about adding a monthly event for new cards or better yet, release new cards that could be summoned? The last "new" card that was added was back during the Christmas event 5 months ago! Another thought, how about adding a link in the game so that you could contact the devs directly? As it stands now, you have to go to there website and submit a question if you have a issue with the game. Then you have to pray that someone reads it and THEN you have to hope that they either respond or fix your issue. Its truly a shame that the devs dont listen to the people that have spent countless dollars on there game, only to have them just turn there backs on us or worse just ignore us. To me, thats not the proper way to run a business if you want to have either repeat customers or bring in new ones if your customer service policy is to ignore your customers.